Sabado, Marso 21, 2015


ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It's a 7-bit character code where every single bit represents a unique character. On this webpage you will find 8 bits, 256 characters, according to ISO 8859-1 and Microsoft Windows Latin-1 increased characters, which is available in certain programs such as Microsoft Word.

ASCII control characters (character code 0-31)

The first 32 characters in the ASCII-table are unprintable control codes and are used to control peripherals such as printers.
DECOCTHEXBINSymbolHTML NumberHTML NameDescription
00000000000000NUL� Null char
10010100000001SOH Start of Heading
20020200000010STX Start of Text
30030300000011ETX End of Text
40040400000100EOT End of Transmission
50050500000101ENQ Enquiry
60060600000110ACK Acknowledgment
70070700000111BEL Bell
80100800001000BS Back Space
90110900001001HT	 Horizontal Tab
 Line Feed
110130B00001011VT Vertical Tab
120140C00001100FF Form Feed
 Carriage Return
140160E00001110SO Shift Out / X-On
150170F00001111SI Shift In / X-Off
160201000010000DLE Data Line Escape
170211100010001DC1 Device Control 1 (oft. XON)
180221200010010DC2 Device Control 2
190231300010011DC3 Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF)
200241400010100DC4 Device Control 4
210251500010101NAK Negative Acknowledgement
220261600010110SYN Synchronous Idle
230271700010111ETB End of Transmit Block
240301800011000CAN Cancel
250311900011001EM End of Medium
260321A00011010SUB Substitute
270331B00011011ESC Escape
280341C00011100FS File Separator
290351D00011101GS Group Separator
300361E00011110RS Record Separator
310371F00011111US Unit Separator

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